Monday, 25 February 2013

Mark Schulhof and Quadriga Art Thought Leadership: Profile Analysis and Quality List Management

Organizations long for intelligence: sophisticated insight into the minds of consumers. At Quadriga Art, we provide that acumen to our clients through a highly-refined profile analysis process that matches their customer database to demographics, and benchmarks the demographics against the universe of households in a geographic area. Profile analysis is among the high-performance fundraising services we utilize to give Quadriga Art clients a competitive edge in fundraising.

Profiling customers is a strategic tool nonprofits use to identify and target the highest and best responders, and create a marketing message and design for each direct mail package. Knowing distinctive characteristics about current and prospective donors allows an organization to market more intelligently. But with hundreds of demographic elements and even more combinations of elements available, it’s critical for organizations to work with firms that have proven success in customer profile analysis.

At Quadriga, once we benchmark the demographics, we highlight the elements that have the most positive relationships against the benchmark and use them as suppression or selection files. We can then provide our clients with such intelligence as assigning elements for specific communication, identifying alternative media advertising, or providing a comprehensive snapshot of their current customer base.

At the same time, highly developed list management tools must be in place to ensure the integrity of the databases being used in the profile analysis, as well as to allow organizations to leverage their mailing lists as an asset.

We recognize that protecting your relationship with the people in your database is critical, and that every list owner has its own unique needs and requirements. Our goal is to help you develop requirements that are pertinent to your organization’s mission and objectives, and our priority is to ensure that the usage date requested by a renter of your list is not in conflict with your own secured dates. We protect you against mailers whose offers are too competitive to yours, or whose mission conflicts with yours in a way that may offend the people in your database.

Quadriga Art also provides conscientious handling of marketing, negotiations, exchange ledger management, order fulfillment and billing. With more than 70 years experience, Quadriga Art employs the most advanced systems and experience to provide customers with the consumer insight and list management they need to optimize fundraising and organizational success.

Copyright Quadriga Art, 2013. All rights reserved.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Quadriga Art with CEO Mark Schulhof Helps Build Home in Rural Mississippi

Quadriga Art, a global direct marketing company focused on transforming the image and bottom line of businesses and nonprofit organizations, demonstrated its desire to help transform individual lives. Recently a team of Quadriga managers and employees traveled to Mississippi to create a safe and clean home for an impoverished family.

Six Quadriga Art employees, plus President and Chief Executive Officer Mark Schulhof and Chief Operating Officer Dean Wimer and their families, spent four days rebuilding the dilapidated home of a couple living in a depressed rural region of Mississippi. They coordinated the project through Sacred Heart Southern Missions of Jackson as part of the Quadriga Art “Building Bonds Beyond Business” corporate outreach program.

This is the second year Quadriga Art has sent a team to help make life a little better in the economically troubled community served by Sacred Heart, one of Quadriga’s clients.

“The rewards of taking employees on a trip like this are immeasurable,” said Schulhof. “The most fulfilling aspect was helping a deserving couple have a home that is clean and safe to live in. In addition to that, the trip provided new relationships for Quadriga employees who might not normally interact during the workday, and offered all of us an opportunity to give sacrificially of our time together as a team. We all came home energized and feeling very fortunate as a result of the experience.”

Quadriga Art started the charitable service program last year after employees heard about Sacred Heart’s work and requested time off so they could travel from their offices in New York and New Jersey to Mississippi to help with housing rehabilitation projects.

This year, the team returned to complete work it had started last year on a very dilapidated home that was once a sharecropper’s shack. The owners are working but very poor, living in a rural community set in the middle of cotton fields.

“Last year we added insulation and a new roof to their home, and this year we painted the exterior and we ripped out and resurfaced all the interior walls and floors,” said Lori Moon, a strategy director who participated in both trips. “Seeing the woman’s eyes light up when she walked in and saw how light and bright her house was made our work worthwhile.”

Moon said team members also benefited from a first-hand look at the ministry of their client. “Sacred Heart is changing the lives of people every day, and we got to see how what we do at Quadriga Art helps them do that.” Ed Lincoln, production coordinator in the estimating department at Quadriga, also went on both trips and said he’s proud to be part of a company that promotes outreach projects.“Whatever we do in business to help others is one thing, but what we can do individually to make someone’s life a little bit nicer is very fulfilling. I can’t wait to go back and help some more.”

About Quadriga Art, LLC.: Quadriga Art, LLC, is a global company providing nonprofit organizations, fundraising agencies and commercial brands with innovative direct marketing campaign solutions that produce extraordinary results. For more than seventy years, Quadriga Art has helped clients raise money and create connections. The breadth of Quadriga Art’s services and work spans 25 countries, and more than a billion of its direct marketing packages reach targeted prospects, donors and consumer markets annually. The company has more than 3,500 employees in offices New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Amsterdam. Honour China, Quadriga’s world-class manufacturing facility, is ISO 9001 Certified. More information about the company is available at or by emailing